Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tuesday, October 3

With Trainer Andrew:


10 minute warm-up


Walking Lunges
Ten pound weights each hand
35 total

Chin Ups, assisted
Unsure of weight
Three sets of 15 (needed help at the end of last two sets)

Tricep Pulldowns, assisted
60 pounds on machine
Three sets of 15 (needed help at the end)

Using the ball, balanced heels on the ball, pulled butt up and then pulled ankles and ball toward me. Held it up during the exercise.
Three sets of 15

Bicep curls
10 pounds each hand
Three sets of 15

Opposite arm to foot, 20
Crunches pulling shoulders and butt up, 20
Held plank position 1 minute
Pikes without ball, 10
Using ten pound medicine ball, took ball and handed Andrew ball each time came up, with him moving the ball in different locations side to side.

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